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Our Ministries

Youth Ministry


Discover the wide variety of ministries for children, from infants through twelth  grade...

The Children’s Ministry of  True Love Church exists to glorify God through evangelizing children, encouraging parents, and edifying servants so that the gospel may be spread among our children, families may be supported, and the church may be strengthened.

Marriage Preparations


Marriage Preparation Program...


 Our 2-day program is a time for you and your partner to dialogue honestly about your lives together, your goals and ambitions, strengths and weaknesses, your role in society and the Church today by looking at your attitudes on finances, sex, children, family, and spirituality.

The program consists of a series of presentations by married couples. Each presentation is followed by time for reflection and sharing with your fiancee.

There is no cost associated with these classes. However, if you would like to give something, then please consider volunteering to help with the program after you are married.

PLEASE NOTE: While our program clearly reflects the perspective of the Bible and the Bethel Mennonite Community Church on marriage, we respect the religious diversity of all participants...  

If you have any questions or concerns please contact 

 True Love Church,


True Love Church College Ministry exists to lead college students to "glorify Christ by making disciples of all nations..." Our desire is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ take root in the lives of college students in Chicago and around the world...


How to Connect...

We provide opportunities for students to connect to the college ministry, with the ultimate goal of reaching the world one student at a time. There are two specific ways you can do that:

College Corner: A time for students to gather together at 11:00 am on Sunday mornings at  True Love Church to worship with other college students across Chicago... Join us during this time for complimentary coffee and donuts!

Small Groups: The purpose and goal of Small Groups is to be the fuel to the mission... Believers encourage and equip each other to know God and make Him known... Our Small Groups meet throughout the week in various places across the Illinois area...




Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministries at True Love Church exists to encourage women to worship our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ through the study and application of Scripture and the deepening of relationships with other women for fellowship and accountability...

A new season of ministry just began, and we invite you to be a part of one of the many women's studies available. Whatever your circumstances, whether you are single or married, in every season of life, there is a spiritual home and sweet fellowship here for you...

For information about any of these ministries, please contact the Women's Ministries office at  (312) 456-7890  or e-mail:



Pastoral Ministry


3 Priorities of Pastoral Ministry...

As a pastor, I am constantly faced with deciding between what is urgent and what is important. Too often, they are not the same. So what guides me in making daily decisions? How do I plan out my week to ensure I am not sacrificing the most important tasks for the urgent ones?

The key is through establishing priorities. Below, I have listed the three pastoral priorities that I am committed to in order to combat the tyranny of the urgent...


1. Preaching

2 Timothy 4:2 - "preach the word..."

Preaching is the number one responsibility of every pastor... Every other pastoral duty should come second to this great task... There is no building of God’s people apart from the proclamation of God’s Word... To sacrifice this responsibly for others is a grievous error that has severe spiritual consequences...
When Martin Luther was asked how he sparked a reformation in the church this was his response: “I simply taught, preached, wrote God's Word: otherwise I did nothing... the Word did it all.” This was just as much true in the sixteenth century as it is in the twenty-first...  My number one priority is to preach God’s Word.


2. Praying

Psalm 127:1 - "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain..."

It is foolish to think that a church can flourish and prosper apart from prayer. Every pastor knows this, but too often we function as if it were not true... We profess, “If God does not build his church our labor is in vain”, but we spend too little time on our knees asking him to work in us and through us... Too often we succumb to the temptation presented by Satan and our flesh to believe that we can succeed in ministry by our own power and effort...

As a pastor, I cannot become so busy that there is little to no time for prayer... As the apostles in Acts 6:4 stated, “...we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word...”

3 Preparing Young Men for Ministry

2 Timothy 2:2  - "...entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also"

The biblical mandate for pastors is to multiply their ministry by investing in the next generation of leaders. This was evidenced in Jesus’ life as well as his apostles... Pouring yourself into a group of young men is a scriptural precedent...

As a pastor, I have the burden and responsibility to train young men to faithfully serve the Lord, his church, and proclaim the gospel...  Allowing other tasks to interfere with this essential commission is to drop the baton when it comes to faithful pastoral ministry.



Thank you for expressing interest in joining us in our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ... Everything that we accomplish at the Branch is because of our wonderful team of volunteers who generously offer their time and services every week...


  • Clerical Services

  • Data Entry

  • Accounting

  • IT

  • Facilities

Guest Services

  • Parking

  • Greeter

  • Cafe

  • Security

  • Communion Preparation

Family Ministry

  • Check-in Services

  • Waumba (Birth-Pre-school)

  • Upstreet (K-5th Grade)

  • Awana (Midweek K-5th Grade)

  • Junior High Ministry (6th-8th Grade)

  • High School Ministry (9th-12th Grade)

Outreach and Care

  • Basketball Ministry

  • Hospital Visitation

  • Prayer team

  • Community Group Leader

Weekend Services

  • Instrumentalist

  • Vocalist

  • Tech/Lighting

  • Photography/Videography

  • Audio Technician

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