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 " I Want to Know More About God"

Dear Friend,

Something exciting is happening in you! Your spiritual interest in the things of God is no coincidence. I am glad for you that God’s Holy Spirit is stirring in your heart and drawing you at this time...

My prayer for you is that you will know Christ in a very personal and genuine way and that you will be certain about eternity. Don’t stop short. Ask God for help and guidance; keep turning to His Word, the Holy Bible; and seek out other believers who can help you along the way...


Let me summarize briefly why and how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. First of all, He came to this world to help us in a way that we could not even help ourselves. Though it may not have been our intention, we have all fallen so short of God’s perfect standard (Ephesians 2 and Romans 3). Because of our sinfulness, we deserve an eternal death where we are banished from God forever (Romans 6) ... Even while we were in that state, however, God loved us so much that he sent His only Son to die in our place (John 3 and Romans 5) ... After Jesus was crucified, He rose again from the grave, proving that He conquered death and sin (1 Corinthians 15). Now, everyone who trusts in Him can also live forever... If God has given you the sincere faith to believe and you are aware of how far you are from God, call upon Him right now to forgive you, to give you the power to turn from your sins, and to give you a brand-new start in life (Romans 10) ...

Would you call out to God right now with a prayer something like this:

Dear Lord, I know I have sinned and disappointed you. I believe Jesus died in my place, and in His Name, I am asking for forgiveness. I know what I deserve, and it is not Heaven, but I want to receive your free gift of eternal salvation and a home in Heaven with You forever. Please come into my life, save me, give me a new start, and put me on a new path. As You lead, I will follow. In the precious Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen...

If you sincerely prayed this prayer, would you contact me today? You can e-mail me or call the church office at (312) 456-7890... I have a free New Start Kit that I would like to get to you. If you are still not sure, but just checking things out, I have some resources available that might help you along the way.


Bishop W. L. Sullivan

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” JOHN 3:16 (KJV)

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